Why our Wimborne accountants are recommending cloud accounting

Cloud accounting with wimborne accountants (2)

As a business owner, you will likely have heard of the cloud, and may already be using it everyday for certain tasks such as storing photos from your phone onto the iCloud. But have you ever thought how cloud technology could be utilised to help with your accounts?

At Ward Goodman, we are always looking for new ways to improve the services we offer to our clients, and adopting new technologies is one of them. Our Wimborne accountants offer a complete cloud accounting service, WG Cloud, to help make our client’s lives easier. Read on to discover some of the benefits.


What exactly is the cloud, and what is cloud accounting?

Put in its simplest terms, the cloud is a secure virtual platform that is used to store information such as business documents, photos, videos, and of course, your financial data.

This means that users of the cloud no longer store this information on their own computer, or on physical servers in their premises, and therefore saves space.

Common accountancy tasks that are performed within your business, such as submitting VAT returns and keeping on top of payments that are due, can be completed in a far more efficient manner with WG Cloud accounting. If you’re interested in seeing our cloud accounting prices, please click here.

Continue reading to discover some of the key advantages of cloud accounting from our Wimborne accountants:


It gives you access to real-time data, fast

With the best will in the world, it will not always be possible to get an immediate financial update from your chosen accountants in Wimborne. With cloud accounting, you can instantly access all of your important financial data in real-time, giving you a complete up-to-date view of your businesses finances.

Also, with access to instant information that is displayed in a user-friendly manner, it is easier for you and your accountant to quickly detect and hopefully deal with any areas of concern.


It can save you time and money

As cloud services are pretty much self-managed, you will undoubtedly save yourself and employees time. The WG Cloud takes care of a number of once time-consuming jobs by performing automatic backups, and making any service updates or improvements instantly available without you having to do a thing.

With only so many hours in the working day, we know that it’s important for our clients to use their time efficiently. We believe that cloud accounting helps you do just that.

Not only this, but you may find yourself pleasantly surprised with how cost-effective cloud accounting can be. All updates are free and are included in your monthly package, and any upfront business costs that you would usually incur are reduced as you’ll no longer need to worry about system administration costs, server costs or maintenance fees!

For more information on our WG Cloud packages and fees, speak to our Wimborne accountants by clicking here or view our service plans here.


It allows you to work from anywhere, at any time

Cloud accounting allows you to access your financial data on the go, with just the touch of a button. As long as you have an internet connection, you can access your information from anywhere, at any time! Our WG Cloud software is extremely mobile-friendly, so you’re not restricted by device type either.


It is scalable and flexible

We understand that everyone’s accounting needs are different and likely to change as your business grows, there’s not a ‘one size fits all’ solution.

If you need to scale up or scale down your plan, flexibility is built into our cloud accountancy service.

There are numerous add-ons available which can be seamlessly integrated into your cloud accountancy package to ensure that all of your needs are met.


Transform your business with cloud accounting – speak to your Wimborne accountants today

At Ward Goodman accountants in Wimborne, we are continually striving to expand and improve our accountancy service offerings. This is why we have invested in the best technology needed for WG Cloud.

We are passionate about the advantages cloud accounting can bring, so if you’d like to discuss how WG Cloud could benefit your business, we’d be delighted to arrange a free consultation to determine exactly what you and your business requires.

Speak to an expert Cloud accountant today by clicking here, or calling us on +44 (0)1202 875 900.

If you do decide that cloud accounting is the way forward, you can be confident that the transition will be managed by one of our cloud professionals who will guide you through every step of the process, and provide you with all the information and training that you could need.

So, let’s talk >>.

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