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PAYE? OMG! – Decoding Financial Jargon

decoding financial jargon

A recent survey of 2,000 people carried out by Nationwide, found that although 79% of participants knew what abbreviations such as OMG and LOL mean, only half correctly guessed the meanings behind financial terms such as APR and PAYE. A lack of basic knowledge and understanding of these terms can be a major contributor to […]

The End of the Tax Year: 5 April Reminders

tax year

As the end of the tax year nears, remember the 5 April is a multi-faceted deadline.    In 2017, the tax year ends on Wednesday 5 April, over a week before Easter. The Budget is almost a month earlier (8 March), but that should not affect most tax year end actions. As a reminder, here […]

Government urged to reconsider business rates overhaul

business rates

Some firms are being faced with a huge rise in their bills, thanks to new rates due to take effect in April. Prime Minister Theresa May is being urged to reconsider “penal and unfair” rises in business rates which represent the first change in almost a decade. For the first time, the government will be […]

Pay rise for many workers thanks to living wage increase

living wage increase

Analysis by the Low Pay Commission (LPC) has revealed that a quarter of all UK employees aged 25 and over had a pay increase in 2016 following the increase of the minimum wage to £7.20 last April. Although the law forced companies to increase the salaries for the 1.6 million workers – or 6.7% of […]

New Year’s resolution: invest in your employees

investing in your employees

A 2014 Gallup poll discovered that only 13% of workers are “actively engaged” in their work and that 26% are “actively disengaged”. Another study carried out by Glass Door found that only 54% of employees would recommend their company as a place to work, which should be a cause for concern for managers and business […]

Tight turnaround for year end tax planning before Spring Budget

spring budget

The Treasury has announced the date of the next Budget. It may feel like Mr Hammond’s Autumn Statement was only a few days ago, but shortly before Christmas the Treasury announced that the Spring Budget will be on Wednesday 8 March. In theory, this will be the last Budget to take place in spring, as […]

Auto-enrolment: seven million and counting

Auto enrolment

Automatic enrolment has reached a new landmark, but the path from 2017 onwards could be challenging. When automatic enrolment into workplace pensions started in October 2012, there were some doubts about how successful it would be. A little over four years later, few would argue that Auto-enrolment has not been a success, at least so […]

UK SMEs are writing off billions in debt

SME debt

The average amount of debt written off by small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) last year was £11,708, according to recent research.  The findings show that 76% of SMEs wrote off debt during 2015, totaling just under £50bn collectively, or £134m every day. In addition, one-in-five SMEs are experiencing cash-flow problems according to the research, with […]

Fees for tax tribunal appeals

tax tribunal

Fees are being introduced for the first time for appeals to the tax tribunal The charge comes as part of the introduction of an online appeal submission service and is intended to cover administrative costs. The fee structure has not yet been published but fees could start from as little as £20 up to £200 […]

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