Here at Ward Goodman, we are closely monitoring the continuing development of the COVID-19 outbreak, not only in the UK, but also across the world in countries that have already been experiencing the ramifications further into the lifecycle of the virus spreading.
We feel it is important to take a responsible stance in helping to contain the virus and will continue to seek advice from Public Health England and the World Health Organisation to enable us to inform our teams as to best practice in the work environment and contact with clients, professional contacts and suppliers.
Our staff at Ward Goodman are already equipped with the ability to work from home should we feel it appropriate to limit the need to attend our offices or in more extreme cases, self isolation. Public Health England advice suggests, the majority of the working population that might become infected with the virus would be required to self isolate for 7-14 days, but would only face mild flu like symptoms for 1 or 2 days.
We are also equipped to enable our staff to continue to provide client services via conference calling, video calling and document collaboration using the cloud. For those of you already using the WG Cloud accounting services, you know you can access your accounts software from any device connected to the internet and we can provide ongoing support remotely.
If you have concerns about upcoming meetings or visits and would prefer to look at a conference or video call alternative, just contact your Client Service Manager or Financial Advisor who will be able to assist.
We’re very aware that these are uncertain times, but you can be assured that whether you are worried about the impact on your investments, concerned about upcoming accounting deadlines, unsure what impact the recent budget might have on you or your business, we’ll be contactable to provide support and assistance to get through any difficult times.
When you need us……..let’s talk.