Perks Of Summer


Summer’s here at last…   

More than three quarters (84%) of employee respondents believe that receiving summer perks makes them more productive, according to research by workplace consultants, Peldon Rose.  

The company’s survey of 600 UK-based office employees discovered that 34% of respondents aren’t offered any form of seasonal benefits. The research also found that:

  • 40% of respondents believe that company summer perks would make them happy at work, with 87% suggesting they would help them bond with their colleagues.
  • Summer hours, for example. earlier finishes, topped the bill of desirable summer perks, with 7% of respondents being able to work shorter hours during this season.
  • Ice cream deliveries proved popular: 37% said they value a cold, sweet incentive when it’s hot.
  • Office space matters. 66% of respondents cited that their office environment contributes to their happiness levels: 66% do not have access to outdoor spaces at work and 39% don’t work in a space with natural light.
  • 31% said they’d be willing to sacrifice at least 1% of their salary for a refurbishment and better facilities.

Perhaps most appealing to employers, 66% of respondents claimed that better facilities would entice them to spend more time in the office.

It’s clearly worth looking at what benefits you can offer your employees over the summer months: summer parties; changing and showering facilities for those who cycle in; and even some basic refurbishments around the office can help with productivity and staff retention. The goodwill generated by a degree of flexibility while the sun shines may be worth more than you think.

A stunning sunset at Durdle Door, with the sun perfectly framed through the natural rock arch on the beach, casting a warm glow over the waves and the shoreline.

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